What Are The Causes Of Witchcraft Persecutions Dbq

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Many Women were killed from persecutions of witchcraft in the late 15th century to the 17th century. There are many reasons for the persecutions, during that time period there was the Reformation, and the Thirty Years War. The Reformation was a fight over that was caused because the church was lying to the people who went to catholic churches and saying that you need to pay to get rid of your sins, and the Thirty Years War was a war over religion that lasted thirty years. Factors in the late 15th century and the 17th century that led to witchcraft persecutions were The Reformation, and the Thirty Years War. Document 1 was written by Johan Weir, who was a Belgium physician, believed that women had small brains and men needed to help the women. …show more content…

The context behind this document was to show that many more women died than the number of men who had died. This shows how the persecutions of witchcraft and the Thirty years’ war were similar because both the number of executions and the Thirty years’ war took place in Germany. Document 5 was about Martin Luther’s views on witches. Martin Luther’s point of view is that Witches are evil, and work with the Devil, and do all the work he can’t do. This shows a similarity between the persecutions of witchcraft and the Thirty Years war because during the thirty years’ war Kings needed to make an excuse that they were fighting over religion instead they were fighting over land, just like how men found an excuse to execute women who acted differently or did not behave the way they wanted them to. Document 6 was made by Manfred Rohrbach, Court Physician of Erik von Steineck, from Witches and their Cure. Manfred Rohrbach point of view about witches in this document was that Witches are old hags, that are lonely, ugly, and outcast and that they are the scapegoats of society. This shows that the persecutions of witchcraft and the Thirty Years War are similar because During the Thirty Years War many people could have needed a scapegoat to make excuses for all the wars which is why women had to take the blame. Treaty …show more content…

Women rights are women’s rights to vote, and do many other things that women could not do earlier on. This is also comparable to the theme because women had to fight for many things like voting and other things because men still did not believe that women were as great as men at that time. Another reason that they are comparable is because both women who were persecuted for witchcraft and women who had to fight for their rights, all were women who struggled, and this is another similarity because women who fought for their rights were trying to change the views of men, and women who were persecuted for witchcraft were persecuted because the of the men’s views that the women who were fighting for women’s rights were trying to