What Are The Domino Effects Of The Great Awakening

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The Great Awakening was a series of religious revivals that took the colonies by storm during the 1730's and 1740's. The Great Awakening was a religious revival movement which emerged in Europe spread though England and the American colonies as well during the middle decades of the 18th century. This was the rea of which the this era laid the base for science was greater than religion all over the colonies which is why all the pastors were trying to get ahead of the game and try and convince everyone otherwise. They stared to face struggles against the classic regimes and their old school way of thinking this was making everyone question their life’s and mainly authority. Concern stared to grow that church members were losing their devotion …show more content…

This cause a domino effect to other local minister and preachers they joining in trying to get everyone to get back to their religious roots by sermons which essentially draws to emotion rather than reason. Preachers and ministers came up with yet another new form that came about the preaching was called evangelism. They tried to get their followers to have a more personal/ vulnerable type of response when it came to their preaching. The whole point was to get their listeners to take a step back and reflect on their souls, to acknowledge their own failures and turn their hearts and minds towards God. Although most preachers went after present Christians to pass along their teachings, they had social gatherings called revivals which were mostly held in open areas so they were very open and welcoming to on lookers that what they wanted more people to get interested in their religion to join and expanded in numbers. Even though roughly a few thousands would attended their events which by the way were filled with all the best drama and of course emotional roller-coasters which everyone had a free pass to and man did the Americans love it (no surprise their much hasn’t …show more content…

Edwards was known as the one that started the First Great Awakening 1741 he got most of his glory by one of his most known sermons “Sinners in the Hands of an angry god” its became an American Literature classic. George Whitefield belonged to the Anglican Church. He along sides his friend Edward with his powerful personality and persuasive peaching spread the Great Awakening. They travelled all through the colonies from Georgia to the Hamptons many converted after meeting with these two. The states that got the most people to join in on their new moment were, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia. The message they were sending out was pretty simple which was that God loved everyone and wanted all to be saved. All man had to do was to open his heart to God's love, accept the gift of Grace, and be saved. This is what caught the young, old, rich, the poor, educated and the uneducated attentions they got caught up in wave of evangelical enthusiasm.
Enlightenment figures shared certain comman belifis about the nature of God, man, and the universe. That a compasint God created the universe and the natural laws which govern it. The image of God most commonly used to portray this creator-God is that of the "cosmic clockmaker" who constructed the universe like a very complex clock, set it in motion, and then let it run on it own. This God was an impersonal deity, not a personal