
What Are The Flaws Of Fast Fashion

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Today’s clothing industry in the United States has many flaws, but that doesn’t just apply to fast fashion. High end fashion has become the new rage in the past few decades, yet it hasn’t been put in the spotlight of attack from environmental protectors. These companies are bad for the environment, they don’t care about their workers, and the truth is, designer companies like Gucci and Louis Vuitton are just the same, or even worse, than fast fashion brands. High end name brands have to make people feel like they want and need that type of clothing to feel good about themselves(Luliana). The owners and designers of these companies have perfected the art of propaganda, something that is mainly used in wars, and now the fashion industry has …show more content…

Buying a Supreme hat for $50 could quickly make you 500 dollars if you can promote it well enough for someone else to buy it. “Thursday: New Drop at Supreme. Buy Cap, £40. Friday: Wear Cap, Post on Instagram. Saturday: List Cap on Depop. Sunday: Sell Cap for £350. Monday: Go to School. MEET the Army of Teen Resellers Making up to £1,500 a Month and Changing the Luxury Landscape. Scarlett Curtis Reports”. Typically, an average adult would consider buying something expensive from Supreme or Gucci would be irresponsible. What adults do not understand about this industry is that it’s bigger than just “wasting you money on something that won’t mean anything to you in a few years.” Most clothing items from these brands are not as expensive as people think they are when they come out. It’s the resell value that makes them such high priced items. Americans today buy luxury clothing for self fulfillment rather than to please others (Tippet). Western culture has this branded idea that buying the most expensive thing will give you happiness and people at the top don’t realize that it won’t whenever they’re spending thousands of dollars on clothing. In France and many other European countries, these items are bought not for self fulfillment, but for the idea that they’re exclusive and they are one of the few people that own them because of their inability to be “mass produced” like fast fashion products (Tippet). This shows how American culture and style is much different from the rest of the world. People in America are selfish and only care about how they feel about themselves. People in European countries care about these things because of their exclusive value. It is unfair to say that designer clothing does not have a purpose. Wearing these things could give you and advantage over other

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