
What Are The Key Points Of Contention On Medical Research?

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What were the key points of contention on this topic? • Medical research should be done on one’s free will • Using innocent animals and forcing them into research shouldn’t be done • Medicine that are tested on animals for the sake of human beings doesn’t always work What side of the argument (stance) do you take on this topic? • I am against animal research. Animals shouldn’t be forced unwillingly into research for the sake of science. First reason why is because their anatomy and physiology is not the same as us humans; just because something works for them doesn’t always mean that it will work 100% for humans also. Second reason is because we just shouldn’t be so cruel on them for the benefit of something that might not even work on us. …show more content…

We need to be more compassionate and empathetic about the animals that we have in this world because the situations that they go through are not as easy as we think. Just because some believe that animals don’t have emotions or a soul doesn’t mean that they cannot feel pain and misery when they are in certain situations. The same way that we feel pain when we get sting with a bruise or a cut is the same way that they will feel if they were to be in the same situation. Have you ever seen a terrible thing happen to an animal and they didn’t whelp in pain because of the damage that was done to them? I certainly have not seen this yet, and in fact, I am known to them yelling out at the slightest of thing such as excluding them from others or simply stepping on their bodies accidentally. We really need to realize that these animals do feel and start the application of the virtue theory to not only humans but them also. According to the theory, “A virtuous person makes the right decision; a virtuous person possesses virtues; virtues are what allow a right decision.” We should make the right decision and show more empathy towards everyone (including animals), and be more compassionate about the things that go on daily in life with medical research on

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