What Are The Positives And Negatives Of Invasive Species

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When a person hears the word invasive species they immediately think the negative aspects of the plant. How invasive species are a threat to all native plant and animal species making them threatened or endangered. With that being said the Invasive plant species need to be controlled in order to reduce the number of the invaders and let the native species thrive but have you heard of the fact that some aspects oven bases are beneficial. If there are beneficial aspects to the invasive species then why are the invasive species so brutally frowned upon by society? In other words Kenny’s invasive species and general have a positive effect I’m an ecosystem instead of all the negative impacts and information about them based on research. Is there any positives that come out of the ecosystems when invasive are a part of these environments. First of all the definition of an invasive species is that it is a species that does not from the area is found or located in. This means that the plant species originated from somewhere other than where the species is currently located. Most of the bases species plants have been very unique and have originated from Europe in Asia and have migrated over to the United States in North America. They have become an environmental problem …show more content…

The state of New York is attempting to control these invasive species such as purple loosestrife and water chestnut that have popped up throughout this state. Invasive species of purple loosestrife is a perennial herb a marshy or moist areas. The plan is 1 to 2 m tall, its stem as square and sometimes six sided, smooth or very common to be with short upward pointing hairs. Purple loosestrife has 30 to 50 branches from a larger group crown, which becomes woody as time goes on. The leaves are opposite and whorls of three and has a purple magenta