
What Are The Pros And Cons Of The American Industrial Revolution

791 Words4 Pages

Thomas Murphy
Mr. Asad
World Civilization Honors
04 APR 2023
The Atrocities of the American Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution changed not only the landscape of the united states but the landscape of the world. The united states took from the British who had already started their rise in industrialization. This was when the united states moved from being an agricultural country to an industrialized one. The first person to start an industrial mill was Samuel Slater. He started a journey that would sculpt the united states for the rest of history, both positively and negatively. The Industrial Revolution was the most beneficial revolution financially but was the most dreadful revolution socially in the history of the world.
There is a negative past to the industrial revolution. It sounds like the best thing ever to happen, but with the uprising of …show more content…

The question then became do the pros outweigh the cons. I would argue that the pros don't outweigh the cons. Although it brought so much to the American economy and brought wealth to so many people; it also dismantled and took the lives of many. A pro is that more people came to the cities and left the rural areas, but then the country was left with few farmers. There then become an overpopulation of cities and diseases spread like wildfires. The revolution also brought the beginning of, what is now, global warming. According to Britannica, “ atmospheric carbon dioxide, a primary driver of global warming, existed in concentrations of 275 to 290 parts per million by volume (ppmv) before 1750 and increased to more than 400 ppmv by 2017” (Rafferty). This process was started by the industrial revolution and it has only sped up since then. The industrial revolution shaped the country we know today, and it brought more money to the people of America but it also hurt many Americans for years to

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