
Positive And Negative Effects Of Robots Essay

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After the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence became more and more popular, including robots. And many companies have applied robots to their jobs. According to World Economic Forum Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab, 5 million jobs will be damaged by robotics and artificial intelligence by 2020 (2017). And many jobs are replaced by robots that have two effects on the Labor force: let labors learn something new, and make labors lose their jobs.
Nowadays, robots are becoming more and more common, they do a lot of basic work instead of people, which can let labor lose their job. First, some companies use robots to do basic work in order to reduce the labor costs or to make basic work more accurate and efficient. For example, a pizzeria in Silicon …show more content…

Whether it 's work being replaced by robots, or trying to learn something new, human need to constant development and progress.

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