What Are The Pros And Cons Of Community College

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Everyone knows once a person hit 18 and graduate high school, the next step is applying for university. What if there was another option? An individual may have passed it driving to work, walking to the store or even browsing the internet. What is it? The local Community College! Community colleges also known as two year colleges because it allows students to finish their associate’s degree in two year, then transfer to a university. It is a cheaper way for people to get their education. The good thing about community colleges are the variety of age’s students will meet and interact with. Since community colleges are generally smaller than universities, this creates an opportunity for the student to connect with the professor as opposed …show more content…

The article quotes College Board, a nonprofit website that helps students connect and learn more about colleges. College Board states, “Tuition and fees for a four-year, private university will cost around $134,600 at today's prices (assuming prices increase 5% annually). But if [one’s] child spent his first two years at a community college, you'd only pay around $77,000 for tuition and fees.” One major perquisite of attending a community college is the amount of money students are saving. Since most community colleges do not have dorms, the students have to commute to the college every day. This helps students save the money they would initially spend on dorms to something useful. In addition to living at home, community college also provides students with cheaper tuition fee. By attending a community college students are able to save thousands of dollars while living at home and paying for cheap …show more content…

“School spirit and student loyalty are important components of the state university atmosphere, often resulting in well-funded athletic programs” (Scholarship.com). Another perk of attending university is the size. Although universities range in different sizes they are on average relatively larger than community colleges. For example, Richland Community College is 155 acres; however, Texas Woman’s University is 270 acres. As a result, universities offer a much wider range of major choices available for their students. Seth Czarnecki, author of “The PROS and CONS of State Universities” said, “Public schools usually offer a wider range of majors to satisfy the demands of a diverse student body” (Czarnecki). This allows students to explore the many different opportunities provided at the university.
I myself would rather attend a community college for two years than transfer to a university. Since I come from a family of immigrants attending a community college is convenient and realistic. By attending a community college students are able to save money and live at home. The classroom sizes at community colleges are relatively small and this allows the student’s time to build a relationship with their professors and peers. By building a firm relationship with the professor and classmates, the student is able to form study groups