What Are The Similarities Between The Roman And Chinese Empires

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The Attitude the Chinese had towards the tolerance of labor was more efficient and positive rather than thee Romans who relied more on an efficient systematic and class divided society. These empires where established roughly at different time periods but didn’t end the same. The Roman empire was established from 31 B.C.E to 476 C.E and the Chinese empire was established from 206 B.C.E to 220 C.E. The similarities the Roman Empire and Chinese Empire had was their Relations with barbarian’s, their democratic government, Religious policies, The Role of emperors, Gender relationships, significance of imperial armies, overextension, and the public works of projects. The differences the Roman empire and Chinese Empire had was their Geology of political …show more content…

They enlisted them to be imperial armies, but the barbarians came to hold up great power. The ended up removing themselves from the roman empire and gradually made their way over to the Chinese. The Roman and Chinese empire’s religious policies challenging, in Rome Christianity created earthly strength which influenced the empires weakness. The Chinese was influenced by Buddhism into Confucianism and Daoism during hard times it sustained their national culture. Both the Roman and Chinese empire’s had difficulty making the rules for imperial sessions, the romans always tried to choose the best emperor for their empire, and the Chinese an emperor that was masculine enough to control the imperial families and government.
The gender relationships of both the Roman and Chinese empire was quite distinctive, at all stages the women to men where based upon daily life in a well-run family. The marriage was drastically manipulated by using political alliances with foreign aspects basically saying they felt like having sexual relationships with someone within the empire was a distraction. The significance of imperial armies was very harsh for both the Roman empire and Chinese empire. The romans Built roads, public monumental displays, had administrative military residential systems, and great capital