What Are The Similarities Between V For Vendetta And Animal Farm

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Animal Farm and V for Vendetta: The Practices of Society “Power is dangerous. It corrupts the best and attracts the worst. Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up” (“A Quote by Ragnar Lothbrok”). Many people in history have abused their power. In Animal Farm the animals are told to do certain tasks and also achieve those tasks. As in V for Vendetta the people do not have power they are supposed to stick to certain things and keep them that way. As the world is being crushed from under them being held to do certain things. Leaders in George Orwell's allegorical novel Animal Farm and in Warner Brother's film adaptation of V for Vendetta both use propaganda in order to control education, censorship to …show more content…

In Animal Farm, censorship is used to force conformity because the animals are taught not to do certain things. Snowball and Squealer were reading the seven commandments in the barn. Snowball was on a ladder as he was trying to balance on it. Squealer was only there for holding the ladder and holding the paint-pot. Specifically, “Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend” (Orwell 24). The animals have to follow all the rules that are given by Mr Jones. They are told to do all of these commandments because it looks better on the animals and how the farm is being run. In V for Vendetta, censorship is used to force conformity because the people are censored from many things along with not being able to do certain things. In the beginning of the movie it starts off with V trying to trick all of the people into getting them down to look at the Old Bailey as he did set it on fire. It was successful because he was playing music. The people were very confused because music is not allowed as it is banned from being played. Also, The Shadow Gallery is where V lives, he stole everything that is in his house. He has a jukebox that plays music, as Evey was living with him she was trying to figure out what it was. The music started playing and Evey got very concerned as she didn’t know what was going on. The people in the town are being limited to many things on what they can and cannot do. They are also told they cannot listen to music along with many other rules that come with it. As leaders use censorship to force