
What Caused The Russian Revolution Research Paper

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Causes of the Russian Revolution
The early 1900s were a turbulent time in Russia’s long and intriguing history as the country went through revolutions that brought it from a monarchy to a communist run state. Many factors were involved in this change of Russia’s government, such as war bringing a great famine to the people of Russia. The peasants and working class became very angry during this time period because of the Czar’s ignorance of the people's suffering and inequality in the country. There are several important main events that brought about the communist revolution in Russia and that caused it to succeed. The first event was on february 23rd 1917, when a group of people protested in St. Petersburg. A group of women organized a peaceful protest in the city against the price of bread that happened to coincide with another peaceful protest organized by Stalin. As the protesters were marching through St. Petersburg the Czar’s troops open fired and killed over 50 innocent people. The soldiers, horrified by what they had done, joined the protestors the next day which led to the Czar losing most of his control in St. Petersburg. After these demonstrations the government in St. Petersburg was dissolved. …show more content…

The provisional government was created in Russia after the czar was overthrown by revolutionaries. It was more popular than the czar but was made up of many different groups of people including some who even supported moving to a constitutional monarchy. The major gripe that people had with the provisional government was on the issue of leaving the war. The majority of people wanted to end Russia’s involvement in WW1 because of the all the problems it caused but they provisional government voted to keep them in the

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