
What Caused The War Of The Roses Research Paper

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The War of the Roses was a series of battles fought in medieval England from 1455 to 1485 between the house of York and the house of Lancaster. As both sides were represented by a rose (York by a white rose and Lancaster by a red rose) the conflict became known as the War of the Roses. The four things that are thought to have caused the War are the power of the lords, the rewards of being king, the weakness of king henry VI and the end of the 100 years war. These points on what caused the War of the Roses will be explained in this essay.

The power of the lords is the first of the four things that is thought to have caused the War of the Roses. The lords had become more and more powerful in the lead up to the War of the Roses. They were extremely rich and lived in strong castles. The lords of the houses of Lancaster and York wanted to continue building their power even further and becoming king was the best way to do this. It was difficult or the king to keep in control because of the increasing power of the lords. The War of the Roses was partly caused by the power of the lords because of these many reasons. …show more content…

The king of England (Henry VI at the time) was the biggest and wealthiest landowner in Medieval England. As well as that, Henry VI was given and already had many extra powers just for being king. Even though the king was weak, the houses of Lancaster and York would need big armies to defeat him. These points mean the rewards of the king are slightly to blame for the

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