Hertzberg Theory Of Motivation Essay

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Motivation is the process that arouses, directs and maintains behavior. It involves two sub-categories and that is arousal and direction. Motivation can also be defined as the set of factors that initiate and direct behavior, usually towards a goal. Arousal is what gets a person motivated or excited to get something done. The second category would be direction. When an individual is goal-oriented or has a purpose in life – it’s what makes a person motivated to continue on in his path. Thus motivation and behavior become closely linked to each other. While many researchers continue to study its effect it has been commonly accepted that it has become reciprocal over time, that motivation leads to behavior and vice-versa. (Bandura, …show more content…

From the studies conducted it was clear that people had a drive for achievement not when was success was not guaranteed but instead when there was a moderate chance of success. (McClelland, 1958)

Hertzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Examining the reactions of 200 accountants and specialists who were gotten some information about their positive and negative sentiments about their work, Herzberg discovered 2 factors that impact representative motivation and fulfillment.
Motivator factors – Simply put, these are factors that prompt fulfillment and persuade representatives to work harder. Illustrations may incorporate making the most of your work, feeling perceived and profession movement.
Cleanliness factors – These variables can prompt disappointment and an absence of inspiration on the off chance that they are not present. Cases incorporate compensation, organization approaches, benefits, associations with administrators and colleagues.
As indicated by Herzberg 's discoveries, while spark and cleanliness factors both impacted inspiration, they seemed to work totally autonomously of each other.