
What Did You Do To Fight For Women's Equality Essay

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The raging questions of today: Why is the woman unequal to the man? Why does the woman have to fight for the right of equality when the man is naturally born with them? While men are off owning companies and performing life-saving surgeries on people, women are working long hours for a very low wage. Women in poverty are working at home as “pieceworkers” who get paid by every product they make, not by the hour, or out in the fields. Women of the middle or upper class are making dinner, cleaning the house and making sure their children and spouses are healthy, and well rested. Not only did women have inequality in the topic of working conditions, but in education, the right to vote, the right to own property, and so much more. …show more content…

Anthony- “ I have always been a fighter. In many ways. In 1853, I fought for women 's property rights in the state of New York. I spoke at meetings, and collected signatures for petitions which I used to try and convince the state legislature. The petitions were for anything from married women 's property rights, to just women 's suffrage petitions. During this time, the only issue that people paid attention to was slavery. I worked so hard to convince everybody that rights for women were in fact crucial.”
“Throughout your life, how many associations, conventions, societies, etc., have you been a part of”
Susan B. Anthony- “Oh my. This is a hard one. I have been a part of many. When I was a teacher, I joined the labor union to fight for the rights of teachers, their low wages, and working conditions. In 1852, I attended the Syracuse convention and I heard Lucy Stone, another important advocate of women 's rights, and hearing her speak was actually what motivated me to start fighting for the rights of my gender. I also attended the National Women 's rights campaign in 1854. Not only do I believe that gender inequality is a global issue, but slavery is a major one as well. In 1856, I became an agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society, showing that I was not only a fighter for women 's rights, but for an end to slavery

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