
What Does Boo Radley Represent In To Kill A Mockingbird

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I have two questions. Who is placing the items in the tree and who are the items meant for? I think that Nathan Radley or Boo Radley are placing the items in the knothole. First, I think it could be Nathan because the person putting the items in the tree had to be an adult. No children go by the tree except for Scout and Jem because the tree is by the Radley house and all of the other kids are scared of the Radleys. Also because Mr. Radley said that he needed to put cement in the hole. This was very suspicious to the kids because Nathan said that he had to put cement in the tree because the tree was dying. When Jem and Scout asked Atticus if the tree looked like it was dying Atticus said the tree looked healthy. This made the children wonder …show more content…

The kids are still questioning whether or not Boo is alive. These items could symbolize that he is alive. Boo could have also put the items in the tree to scare the kids. He could have just wanted to mess with Jem and Scout. Or he could have wanted to send out a kind gesture to the children. What if Boo was actually nice and he wanted Jem and Scout to know that he was a nice person. The kids think of Boo Radley as a mean person with a lousy past but what if he was actually friendly? Who where the items meant for? There were three items placed in the tree. First, there were two pieces of gum. Gum was not very common back then so finding gum and chewing it was a treat. There were also two pennies. These pennies were brand new so having these were a big deal also. There was also something that was left that was not as great as the other two items. It was soap carvings of two children that appeared to be Jem and Scout. This freaked them out especially Scout because they still had no idea who was putting the items in the hole. I believe that these three items mean something. In the book it says that the Indian Head pennies symbolize

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