What Does Hegemony Mean By The Enlightenment?

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1 :?Short definitions, 5 points each. Please?provide a brief definition for the following concepts.?Tautologies (i.e. Using the concept itself in its definition) will receive no credit.
a. Narcotizing dysfunction: Mass media bring the receiver (consumer) much news, ideas, situations from all around the world. If the receiver was active in politics and the civil society about what he/she saw as a flaw in general politics in the world, the ?overdose? of the input he/she gets from the media alienates him/her from his/her activity with the knowledge replacing the activity. The person is no longer active, he/she?s numbed with the excessive knowledge, whether it?s true or not.
b. Hegemony: The …show more content…

With the Enlightenment, came the innovations and fast progress of the technologies, in every part of one?s life and society. These technologies, as the base, give people some sense of entertainment. Whether it be in news, in movies or in art. Modern times in which the ?social change? took place ultimately are not what it was expected from the age of Enlightenment for Adorno and Horkheimer. As its founding basis, the Enlightenment promised progress not just for the humanity, but it also promised progress for individuals in the world for them to critically think and contribute to the society they live in, in an innovative way while they evaluate themselves and the society and culture that they live in independently. This brings us to the ?culture industry?. For Adorno and Horkheimer, what the technology and media, which is the output of Enlightenment itself, does is to put people into a box where they cannot think outside of it. What the consumer get out from the product they buy/receive seem different in their content, but it?s just the same product with a different package. This vicious cycle of course, traps people into the ?culture industry?, and people see this illusion as a progress, while its really not. For example, you think that a brand new TV show will be entertaining you because its ?new?, while actually that same TV show is …show more content…

There are pro government, anti government and neutral tv channels. Halk TV, which is evidently a channel which supports the opposing party, only include news of opposing the government and the leading party. Their agenda is shaped around the constant ?attacking? news at the government. Atv on the other hand, is a TV channel in which there?s only those news which are pro government news take place, to show ?how government is always right.? A newsman reporting near ZDF and telling how they were ?bad? is the first thing which comes to mind. The man tried to show that workers of German TV channel ZDF were ?unethical? while those people were really doing nothing. Tragicomic