
What Does It Mean To Say That Violent Video Games Should Be Banned

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Forty two percent of America plays video games, and the idea that violent video games should be banned has been an ongoing issue. Specialists around the world have proof that video games have more concerns than the public is aware of. Some of the past mass shooters have played violent games and there is a relating connection between the two, people who play these games are more hostile, and children learn and use more viscious behaviors, it is no secret that playing violent video games makes people more aggressive. Throughout the past decade there has been an increase in mass shootings. Since 1984 there have been a little over forty mass shootings (Los Angeles Times). For example Adam Lanza, the man who committed mass murder at the …show more content…

A portion of that percentage is children ages two to seventeen. Ninety one percent of children play video games. That is a large majority of children in the U.S (Digital Trends). As a result of this, the effect of videogames on children has been a continuous study. According to author Maureen Heely children are very impressionable up to age eight, some others say a few years older or younger than that. Aside from that most children follow a “monkey see monkey do” behavior, which is also called “observational learning” (Michigan State University Extension). This means that a child who is exposed to violent behavior on a game have a larger chance of learning actions, and imitating them in some way. Jane Katch, who is an early childhood specialist said that children cannot distinguish when to use violence in real life when they play video games it teaches them that violence is okay (Procon.org). The fact of children learning and using more pugnacious behaviors that they have seen from video games has been proven through not only child specialists, but the statistic that children who play this type of video games more have more aggression towards others, show more signs of being a bully, and have an increase in verbal fighting and physical fighting

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