What Does My Holland Code Mean To Me

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I find my Holland code to be very remarkable; it is C-S-I. I have always considered myself a very outgoing and helpful person and that was always my immediate response when asked to describe myself. I never really considered myself as a person who likes things to be organized, precise, accurate or systematic. Though once I took my SDS test and found out my code, I took a moment to think about whether or not this is accurate. It was shocking at first, but my test results, for a majority, are very accurate.
The “C” in my Holland code means to me that, as stated above, that I am organized, precise, accurate and systematic. It means I like questions to have a direct answer and for things to be practical. For me this means taking on a job in the business field in an accounting/financial aspect. This appears to be a good fit for me because I have always enjoyed math growing up, except for geometry. I enjoyed those classes because they have one answer: the correct one. When solving a problem I like to lie out my work before and get my thoughts organized instead of jumping right into. When I was little, I would organize my room; I always found it enjoyable. I would rearrange my stuffed animals so …show more content…

For the most part, this letter seems to fit me. However, I do not consider myself an extremely curious and reserved person. I enjoy facts and like to know how things work, but not necessarily why those things work the way they do. I also greatly enjoy being social and talking to other people. I find it interesting that my third letter would generally not enjoy working with people, when my second letter thrives off working with others. In high school, we had to take a physics course. I understood the calculations, but understanding why objects got pulled and pushed, why energy was significant, why forces acted upon each other did not come easy to