What Does Religion Mean To Me Essay

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As an individual, I have various abstract beliefs. Some of them being different from what most people’s beliefs are. Some of the things that I believe in are reincarnation, karma, strong relationships, and many other things. These are the beliefs that make me who I am. They make me unique and they help me determine what I do with my life and how I act as a person.
Religion is important to many people but for me not so much. Religion to me seems restricted. Overall, I believe in certain parts of religion and I also have some abstract thoughts, ideas, and beliefs of my own. I believe that possibly there is multiple gods that deal with certain things like with Greek mythology. If there are multiple gods and goddesses then there is probably a supreme god/goddess. Also, with certain types of religion you can only act, believe in, think, etc. in certain ways or else it’s a terrible sin. To me this doesn’t make sense. If there is a god/goddess or multiple deities that judge the goodness of our souls I don’t think that they would really care whether or not we believe in one thing or another. They probably just care about …show more content…

People make mistakes and they learn from them. As for people who on purpose do horrid things, they probably get payback in some sort of form depending on what they did. I believe that pretty much everyone will do one thing or another thing in their lifetime that is bad. Which I believe is fine as long as it’s not too bad as long as they learn from it and try to repeat it. I think that karma does it duty moreso when people do things like bullying. Then maybe in the future someone will mess with them or something bad will happen to them. But, I do believe that there is a way to kind of avoid this bad luck that you get. I think that this is done by doing something good after you realize what you did was wrong. Then it shows that you learned from it and have decided to do something good rather than something

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