
What Does The Drummer Boy Of Shiloh Represent

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“The Drummer Boy of Shiloh” is full of different symbols representing different things that today we would only recognize as simliar obects in our own lifetime. Although, these symbols all represent important structures in understanding the short story called, “The Drummer Boy of Shiloh.” Most symbols are created for people to follow in their own lifetime and are very important to be recognized as in the Drummer Boy, the General, and the cherry blossoms. To begin with, one of the symbols created for people to follow in their lifetime and is important to be recognized is the Drummer Boy. The Drummer Boy is an important part of a major symbol in the short story. The Drummer Boy only has a drum, which is his only weapon in the majority of the war. The Drummer Boy sets into the symbol of the beat of the war. With a short, steady beat, the armed forces will set themselves to a steady march. While with a fast pace beat, the armed forces with keep up with a quickened pace. Not in just the battle, every person has their own drum in life. The drum that keeps them going through the hard times. Important to recognize and created for people to follow, the Drummer Boy is one of the …show more content…

Being involed in a majority of the short story, the General also is a symbol used to represent one word of an important structure in most of everyone’s lives.. A fatherly figure. Being the eldest and the wisest of the armed forces, the General understands what the younger generation must had gone through to make their decision of being in the armed forces. The General had made the decision to help the younger generation through the rough times of the battle. Perhaps, the General misses having his own fatherly figure to look up to, so he took over the responibility himself. Important to recognize and created for people to follow, the General is one of the important

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