What Does The Phrase 'Blessed Be Much Like' So Mote It Be Mean

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“Blessed Be” much like “So Mote It Be” is another phrase that has heavy circulation within the Pagan and Wiccan community. The phrase is used to as a way to say goodbye or end a blog post. “Blessed Be” for many people seems to be a catch all phrase that has no particular meaning or significance outside of a general well meaning platitude. However this usage of “Blessed Be” is remarkably insignificant and rather inappropriate given its true meaning. “Blessed Be”, instead of a casual phrase, actually is more of a direct request to the God and Goddess. The person says “Blessed Be” is requesting that the God and Goddess give the recipient their blessing through the process of invoking, which requires the petitioned deity to enter the person directly. …show more content…

For example, if I am seeing off a fellow Wiccan friend, there is no need for me to say “Blessed Be.” Instead, saying “goodbye” or “see you later” still accomplishes the same thing while avoiding needlessly invoking a blessing. It allows the term “Blessed Be” to retain the respect that it deserves. The friends I have not taking this course but who also share an interest in paganism were equally ignorant of the significance of the term. I feel that many people who don't understand why “Blessed Be” carries such a weight to it is because so many who are new to the religion do so in a solitary setting. While it is possible to follow and read the literature of various Wiccan and Pagan paths without outside help, it also means that I must be extra vigilant to understand the reliability of my sources. Without a teacher or someone who has practiced for a while, it is possible to misinterept the importance of various rites and phrases such as “Blessed Be”. I think the best way to educate people on the meaning of “Blessed Be” is simply to let them know how important it is when they use it casually. While I can't control the actions of others, I can help them by teaching the concepts I am learning on my own

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