What Extent Is Capulet To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Capulet is at fault for Romeo and Juliets death. He is to blame because of his harshness with Juliet. At the beginning of the play he allowed Juliet to make her own decision about the marriage but he quickly backtracked and gave her an ultimatum. Due to him pressuring Juliet to marry Paris, it caused her to go to drastic measures to get out of it. If he wouldn’t have threatened to disown Juliet if she didn’t obey him, Juliet and Romeo wouldn’t have taken their lives. When Paris first asked Capulet if he could marry Juliet, Capulet was hesitant and said that Juliet could make her own choice. “My will to her consent is but a part. An she agreed within her scope of choice, Lies my consent and fair according voice.” (Shakespeare I. ii. 17-18).