
What Happened In The Sixties Essay

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What happened in the Sixties?

The Sixties was dominated by the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Protests, and political events such as the assassinations of US President John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King. The arts, literature, dance, and theater however went through a period of growth and change during the 1960s. New art forms like pop art began to draw in new public attention to artistic expression. Artists began challenging traditional ideas about fiction and poetry.

And the Special Characteristics?

Pop art is an artistic movement that wished to describe a new kind of art based on popular culture. Pop art emerged in the late 1950s as a response to expressionism, the art at that time. This style was hard to understand and felt cut off from …show more content…

This is well known quote from Andy Warhol. In February 1968 Warhol exhibited his first international exhibition at the Moderna Museet gallery in Stockholm. The exhibition list contained the quote "In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.". It is the best-known of the many quotations credited to Warhol, and is probably the only one that most people know of.

The line began to bore Warhol in later years when interviewers asked him about it. In 1979 he did repeat it, claiming that the line had truth "my prediction from the sixties finally came true: In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." As things have turned out the rise of celebrity culture and reality television in the West since then has shown Warhol to be quite correct.

The Factory?

The Factory was the name of Andy Warhol's New York City studio, which had three different locations between 1962 and 1984. The place was originally a fire station, some walls were covered in silver foil, while other walls and furniture were spray painted silver. The Factory became a social and artistic centre in New York for young troublemakers, writers, artists, musicians, actors and other people to join in on cultural adventures. It was the place famous for its various projects, and just having fun. People became assistants helping with the

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