
What Is A Good Thesis Statement For Hannibal Life

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The Brilliant Carthaginian War Strategist

How did Hannibal?s efforts and life experiences change Roman conquests forever?

Thesis Statement
Hannibal was one of the most resourceful war strategists in the world because of his many achievements, such as: crossing the Alps as a shortcut to attack Rome, making many allies before he attacked Rome, and also because of his strategy in defeating Roman consuls Marcellus and Tiberius, among others.

Hannibal?s Early Life:
Hannibal?s Father was also a renowned Carthaginian military strategist named Hamilcar.
Hannibal became the leader of his father?s army at a very young age despite his many other siblings, owing to their early, unfortunate deaths.
Hannibal?s father also died. Hannibal …show more content…

This battle took place in 219 B.C..
Hannibal took substantial losses due to the city?s heavy fortifications and fierce people.
Citizens managed to injure Hannibal using their famous spears, which they drenched in flaming pitch and threw down upon the attackers.
Hannibal gave them a chance to go away with two garments, but when they refused and started to sabotage the city?s wealth, he put every adult among them to death.
Citizens gave up hope and commited mass suicide by setting the entire town on fire.
The bloody battle which started it all

The Battle of Lake Trasimene:
One of the bloodiest battles in Roman history.
Hannibal?s tactics once again won the day for Carthage?s forces: A small part of Hannibal?s army, or skirmish force, went into a valley close to Lake Trasimene with their backs to the river that ran into the lake. There were hills surrounding both sides of them. In essence, one way in, one way out. Hannibal then hid the rest of his army behind a large hill in front of the skirmish force. The Romans, under the command of Gaius Flaminius, couldn?t resist seeing the seemingly easy challenge as a quick way to crush a part of Carthage?s army. As they marched past the hill where much of Hannibal?s army was waiting, Hannibal ordered a quiet march to the rear of Flaminius?s army, cutting off the exit. Then Hannibal?s army went …show more content…

Hannibal put his elephants first, but when they panicked they turned around and essentially took out an entire flank of Hannibal?s army.
Scipio recreated Hannibal?s flanking tactics at Cannae, and with men all around the Carthaginian army, Hannibal?s forces fell, and the Second Punic Wars would soon be over.
Quotes from: https://www.unrv.com/empire/battle-of-zama.php

Hannibal?s Death:
After the Battle of Zama, Hannibal went into ?exile?. He traveled to Tyre and Ephesus, where he was greeted as a friend by Antiochus iii, who was going to war with the Romans. Hannibal quickly saw that Antiochus?s army was no match for the Romans and offered to head a group of troops to Italy, but the king?s advisors basically said ?No way!!? and the king listened to them. Antiochus was defeated easily later by the Romans at the Battle of Thermopylae. Hannibal fled then to Crete and from there to Anatolia, but when King Prusias i agreed to hand Hannibal over to the Romans, Hannibal poisoned himself.

c. 228 BCE
Hasdrubal is in Spain with Hannibal and their father at Battle of

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