What Is A Word Worth?

431 Words2 Pages

What is a word worth? To me, every word is critical. Much like seeds that grow gardens, I plant words to grow my stories. Writing became my passion when I was a teenager. Before then, I had read an excess of fiction books well above the common age requirements. To put it rather simply, I love reading and writing.
In addition, I started my life with a love of science, and during my first years at the SOJC, a community college in Santa Rosa, CA I studied chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Several years into my studies, I took a break. I built and raced motorcycles while teaching martial arts in Santa Barbara. Years later in 2008, I hitchhiked aboard sailboats throughout the Caribbean. While on that wet adventure, I read a slew of books and found my love for writing again. From that point on I worked daily to perfect my writing. Since then, I've written several science fiction dystopian books that are currently unpublished. …show more content…

I relish in writing the truth and holding culprits accountable. The amazing thing about journalism to me is, that no matter how powerful a person, country, or company is, there are journalists who will risk their lives to get the truth out. There are some ugly truths out there, and the people who have the courage to speak up about those truths are inspiring. People like Gary Webb, who died under suspicious circumstances while reporting on the CIA Contra drugs and weapons cover up. I'm the type of writer who desires to get the truth out, even if it's life threatening. Similarly, writing about the issues surrounding humanity's struggle bleeds over into my