What Is Amelia Earhart Disappearance

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Amelia Earhart, America’s favorite female pilot, tried to fly over the Atlantic only to disappear. What some people might not know is that she had gone on many flights before her disappearance, and the theories that have come up since her disappearance.

Amelia Earhart, gone on many flights and had many achievements. Amelia who was a nurse is the World War had returned to America and joined two pilots, Wilmer Stultz and Louis Gordon, in a flight across the Atlantic ocean. (Britannica) Amelia had later become the first woman to fly solo at 14,000 ft. Amelia, however, was not the first person to achieve that hight. (History) The honor had gone to a Charles Lindbergh. Most people believe that she had just crossed the Atlantic then went on her famous flight but actually, she was achieved many many more feats. Amelia had gone on many flights before her disappearance in the Atlantic.

Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan left to fly across the globe in 1937, only to disappear. After her disappearance, Franklin D. Roosevelt invested 4 million United States dollars into the search for Amelia. (biography) The Japanese navy helped FDR in the search for Amelia and her navigator Fred Noonan. They two were later announced dead two years later. (Britannica) The disappearance of Amelia and her …show more content…

One of the more credible theories is that she had lost radio contact and crashed onto a remote island where she and her navigator later died. (Biography) A ridiculous theory is that she was a spy for FDR and was sent to spy on the Japanese, who was later caught and died of dysentery while Fred Noonan was beheaded. (Brittanica) The more ridiculous theories that have spread have little evidence compared to the more credible one where they found some bones and plane wreckage. Amelia and Fred have never been found, dead or alive. Nobody is sure what actually happened to

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