
What Is Athens Better Than Direct Democracy

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The idea of democracy began several thousands of years ago. Athens began this shift after experiencing various alterations in the form of government used. In earlier years, Athens was ruled by a monarchy. Which, by definition, is the opposite of democracy. Athens was ruled by one individual (lasting a lifetime) then by a superior class and eventually a tyranny. Athens acknowledged this problematic government and worked to better their way of life. By developing their government based on direct democracy, Athens essential placed decisions in the hands of the citizens. Athens’s government represented the freest political ideas and citizenship of its time. This shown the illusion of social structure. Though the overall decision was made by a highly respected group of individuals, public debates were held. Often times, these debates swayed the decision making in the public’s favor. This may seem like an ideal way of life but it was quite the opposite. Unfortunately, events took place behind the scenes. Whether or not democracy worked in favor for Athens depended on the leader in power. During the period of Pericles, Athens dominated. But, when leaders such as Cleon and Alcibiades took reign, the illusion mentioned earlier was revealed. …show more content…

Women, aliens to the land, and slaves did not have social status. This created a general opinion, only constructed by adult males who were free. Direct democracy can only be successful if the people participate. Under Pericles, the citizens felt that citizenship was a privilege. This conception enables the people to take on the responsibility of civic duties. On the contrary, leaders like Cleon and Alcibiades created a hostile environment. These leaders worked against the idea of Athenian policy, discouraging civic duty. The people no longer felt the political rights that they once had. This set forth the future down spiral of

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