What Is Dave's Tragic Like A Plane?

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First I want to say that I understand Dave’s precautionary measures because if there was to be such a travesty as a plane crash that could result in both the number one and two senior officers passing away the company would suffer greatly but ultimately, I disagree with the final decision. If there was no way of arranging the flight so that Ben could still go early and play golf with one the sales representatives we are doing business with than I would have kept Ben and Ed on the same flight. The reason I say this is that the actual chance of something tragic like a plane crash happening is highly unlikely. Planes are flown by trained professionals and the stats show that you are more likely to have a car crash then something going bad with a plane. What is likely to happen though, is that Ben and the sales representative hit …show more content…

Dave and Ed are not interested in golf so there is no point of them arriving there early for the golf meet. Ben is our best bet because he is actually interested and plays golf so he would be the best person to play golf with the sales representative. Ed’s secretary definitely should have taken this to account and suggest the possibility that Dave and Ed fly together on the later flight. No rescheduling or buying new tickets would have been necessary either because Mel and Ed can just switch tickets. With Mel and Ed switching tickets the flight schedule would have had Mel and Ben going together Wednesday morning and Dave and Ed flying together later on that same Wednesday. Although the secretary should have mentioned this type of solution I would say that Ben and Ed shouldn’t have had to rely on the secretary to figure it out. Sure it would be nice for the secretary to find a solution because we are paying her but this just doesn’t seem like a problem that would take an extraordinary amount of effort to

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