
What Is Descartes Idea Of Methodic Doubt

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3. Explain RD’s idea of “methodic doubt” (p. 254 – 256). Rene Descartes method of doubt was proven by a mathematically decisive way in which only the reliable way was to discover any truth about the universe. His stance was to use the new spirit of scientific inquiry and a mathematical accuracy to when looking at everything. His intention not only marked the beginning of a new and entire different philosophical direction and orientation but still remains relevant and fascinating. “Common sense” in which Descartes describes as the natural reason, is the ability to think that is found in all regular humans. And according to Descartes it doesn’t rely on any divine revelations or and formal education. But not every human being has the genius for or …show more content…

Our mind follows the laws of reasoning but likewise is free. Our body is subjugated by laws of physics and falls under the rules of cause and effect. Our human bodies are not any freer than any other basic material thing. But somehow our soul dissipates to all the parts of our body, but the thinking enters our brains through our pineal gland. If we can think and understand without implying to our bodies and if we could understand the body without referring directly to our mind or souls; then truly they are separate from each other. Hence the Cartesian dualism theological view allows our existence after the bodies death. Descartes shows us it reaffirms the dominance of our own souls over our bodies. As a true believer Descartes had found a way to save his own faith from the temptations of materialistic science. And as a scientist he has freed the church from any interference into his progress and since his discoveries are that of the body and how they have no real bearing on our

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