What Is Garrison's Speech No Compromises On The Evil Of Slavery?

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Garrison’s Effectiveness The speech No Compromises on the Evil of Slavery orchestrated by William Lloyd Garrison provides an argument against the cruel enslavement of races. Garrison wanted to convey that slavery should not be accepted within social structure but should be abolished. In order to convince his audience that slavery should be recognized as an unjust crime Garrison used quotes from the Bible and Constitution to exaggerate the wrongs of enslavement. Garrison effectively persuades his audience that slavery is wrong by using religious ideals (to express hypocritical principles in society), logical theories of differentiating between men and “beast”, and by establishing himself as one who would defend his ideals against the ignorance of society. …show more content…

During the 1800s most people were highly religious and based their daily principles of living on the teachings of God. Using logos Garrison exclaims, “The church that consents to his enslavement is horribly atheistical; the religion that receives to its communion the enslaver is the embodiment of all criminality”. Garrison is orally expressing that slavery in itself is already a crime against humanity and that any religion who wishes to support it are nothing but hypocritical felons. The church was viewed as the epitome of holiness and to denounce the church as a place of sin was highly scorned upon. He uses religious figureheads to gain the attention of his fellow citizens in how supporting slavery is going against their beliefs. Justifying slavery would not only go against the words of God but the principles that America established in the Declaration of Independence. He is effective by using religion to convey that slavery is wrong because it gains that attention of all social groups in America and scorns those who claim to believe in equal rights but enchain defenseless races for a free