What, Is Gregor Samsa's Transformation Literal, Figurative, Or Both?

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1. What circumstances in Gregor’s life have caused him to feel dehumanized even before The Metamorphosis took place? Because of his monotonous job as a traveling salesman, which kept him away from home for extended periods of time, Gregor Samsa felt alienated. He didn't have a social life, no friends, and no interesting and fun hobbies, so he felt like a cog in a machine. 2. According to the literary coordinates of the piece, is Gregor Samsa’s transformation literal, figurative, or both? Explain. In The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa's transformation can be interpreted both literally and figuratively. While the transformation is a physical transformation that turns him into an insect, it also represents his alienation from society, his family, …show more content…

Isolation The theme of isolation is central to The Metamorphosis. After his transformation, the main character, Gregor, feels completely cut off from the rest of the world. This is still a relevant experience today, as many people feel isolated and lonely. The narrator writes, "Gregor settled himself under the couch with a sigh, assuming that he would be able to stay hidden there" (Kafka 15). This quote symbolizes Gregor's retreat from the world and his pursuit of solitude. This is similar to how many people today seek solace in social media or other virtual spaces. Identity Another major theme in The Metamorphosis is identity. Gregor's transformation fundamentally alters who he is and calls his sense of self into question. "He was a boss's tool, lacking brains and backbone," the narrator says (Kafka 3). This quote emphasizes the connection between Gregor's identity and how his employer perceives him. This is still true today, as many people struggle to define themselves outside of their jobs or societal roles. Societal