What Is Hobbes's Theory Of Humankind?

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Hobbes ' theory suggests that humans are naturally evil, selfish and "capable of killing any other" (Williams). In the novel, Roger, one choirboy, embodies these attitudes. Physically described as "a slight, furtive boy whom no one knew, who kept to himself with an inner intensity of avoidance and secrecy," (Golding 18) with black hair and a dark complexion. As the plot progresses, he becomes barbarous, ruthless and sadistic-- a complete savage. Humankind in the "state of nature," chaotic and violent as there is no authority to reinforce order and prosecute anybody who violates them since the government does not take part in such circumstances. People would partake in violence and crime since they would not suffer any consequence. Hence someone …show more content…

He does such thing out malice and bore, leaving the boys shocked to the point of crying showing his wish to take part in such mean acts since he will not suffer any punishment. Hobbes supports his hypothesis that humankind cannot survive without government and authority through a threefold argument. In the article Thomas Hobbes: A Moral and Political Philosophy by Garrath Williams, the first case of the threefold argument is: "(i) He thinks we will compete, violently compete, to secure the basic necessities of life and perhaps to make other material gains" (Williams). One the boys ' struggles meanwhile being stranded on the island would be hunting and gathering food for survival. The whole pig hunting became a sport and competition of who could kill a pig first; they became amused of chasing the pigs. Hence, they maliciously slaughtered the sow in chapter eight as they had that rage and impose of hunting within them, Roger being one of the most violent and