
What Is Jason Trapp Courageous

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In the book The Apparatus by Jack Slater, Jason Trapp is attempting to stop the war between the Mexican drug cartels while maintaining his secret status as a U.S. agent. Trapp is faced with tough challenges and decisions throughout the book that really test him as a person. There are many times in this book where Trapp could have said no to the assignment and walked away, but because he is driven to protect others, he says yes every time. Trapp consistently gives up his time to save the collapsing country of Mexico and through heroic and selfless actions he proves that he is both brave and courageous. Trapp proves that he is willing to give up just about anything for the safety of the U.S.A. As the wars between the Mexican drug cartels ravaged …show more content…

When he and a small team of secret operatives attempt to sneak into a potentially dangerous man’s home to bug the house, Trapp shows no fear of getting caught. In fact, instead of running away from the danger throughout the story, he ran towards it. For example, when multiple people arrived outside of the house Trapp had just broken into instead of fleeing like most would, he met the danger head on “descending the stairs emerging into the living room”(153). This courage and fearlessness makes him able to expertly handle any situation thrown at …show more content…

This was a risk because Trapp had no clue if the agent was even going to be friendly to him, never mind working with him. But Trapp chose to take the risk, even continuing to try and talk to him after the agent turned around and yelled at him “why are you following me?” (237). But after the gun was drawn and a brief argument, Trapp was persistent and it paid off. This courage and persistence proved to be huge because of all the knowledge and connections that the rogue agent

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