Sample Reflection Paper For Nursing

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Reflection Paper The Institute of Medicine has put forward important ways of improving the nursing profession so that nurses can provide high quality care to a population that is aging and so different in many ways. The purpose of this paper is to consider how I would fit into numbers 4,5 and 6 proposals of the Institute of Medicine future of nursing report and how my level of education would affect getting a job as well as how increase education would influence my role in the future of nursing. …show more content…

There is currently under 1% of nurses with a doctorate. In order to ease the demands the IOM is encouraging nursing schools to work together with public and private partners to make the goal possible. With older faculty members retiring from Universities and nursing schools and very few replacements this will impact negatively on the training of new nursing students that are needed to reduce the nursing shortage. In order to attract new staff salaries and benefits packages should be attractive so that highly qualified academic and clinical nurses can be hired and kept. There seems to be some uncertainty of what academic pathway is best for the DNP due to lack of proof of some educational outcomes (IOM,2010). I do see myself fitting into this recommendation because I am considering to enroll in the DNP program in the near future. I like the clinical setting as it allows the nurse to be very hands-on. It also provides opportunity in other areas of the clinical setting. Recommendation

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