prostitution is deemed morally wrong and do not tolerate it while others oppose. In the United States, all of the states except for Nevada have prostitution ruled as illegal. The United States is a multi-cultural and multi-religion country, which plays into our view of prostitution. The United States takes prostitution seriously and those who engage in it are arrested. The United States also looks down on prostitution.
Spain on the other hand, prostitution is legal. In Spain, instead of the prostitutes getting penalized the pimps are the ones getting punishes. In Spain, there are highway clubs, which are more public while private flats are more secluded and even though these two places are unique to Spain, other countries have their own versions.
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It also made me strongly against prostitution because it is very unethical. It does not feel right for someone to sell their body for money and then give up that money to a person who is having you do sexual acts with different people. It also made me see that we need to change our views on prostitutes. We should not condemn prostitutes and look down upon them. We should be more eager to help them get out of prostitution versus thinking of them as dirty people. It is also important for us to crack down on prostitution in places where it is legal and illegal. Even though it is illegal in some places, it is still being performed and we need to break it …show more content…
However, they all contribute to the learning of prostitution. The history of prostitution has dated back to 2400 B.C. and is continuing to our present world. The history of prostitution has showed us how it grew and evolved since when it first started. The laws of prostitution show the political view and where the countries stand with prostitution. The laws either let it be accepted or not, however these laws are different around the world. Culturally, prostitution is viewed differently as well. Some countries view it immorally wrong and have a negative stigma while other countries do not. Even though the United States views prostitution in a negative way, we cannot forget that other countries like Spain do not have a stigma like we