Prostitution is a debatable topic. It was considered as the oldest profession in the world, however it is still illegal in most countries. There have been different views on this controversial topic about whether it should be legal. In some countries, anyone who was caught participating in any activities that are involved with prostitution could be punished to death. It is a type of job that involves a commercial exchange of sex for money, goods, service, or other benefits. However, this was not seen as a huge issue in many jurisdictions where prostitution is legal when it is regulated. It was believed that this would help in reducing the crime rate for violence and sex. There have been studies that have shown that this would give an opportunity for the people to explore their sexuality. The issues of prostitution have been raised recently and there are certain countries that have made prostitution legal. The majority of the states in Australia have regulations on prostitution and this may be considered as a legitimate business.
According to society, prostitution can be seen as a victimless crime. Legalizing prostitution would help in reducing the crime rates, improve the public health,
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Looking at from a social aspect, this can be looked upon as a means to obtain sex without having the hassles of dating someone. Thus, legalizing prostitution could reduce attacks on women, trafficking of children. This also helps to reduce the excessive amount of police man hours. Sex workers in licensed brothels are not hesitant to call the police, while prostitutes who experience violence are reluctant to call the police since what they’re doing is illegal. This is why it is best if prostitution is to be decriminalized, since brothel owners need to ensure that they are maintaining their image as law-abiding, trouble-free businesses to keep their licenses and maintain good relations within their