What Is The Author's Perspective On The Importance And The Use Of Punctuation

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This interview demonstrates the author's perspective on the importance and the use of punctuation in everyday's reading. As I listened to her interview I felt like she doesn't read to understand, she reads to correct. Normally people pick up a book and read it as a way of distracting themselves, here is this woman who goes above what normal readers do. She states that she punctuates and corrects as she reads. I can barely keep up with most content without having to go back and re-read, while this woman is able to read, correct and edit books. Lynn's take on punctuation is definitely above anything I have heard or dealt with before. She makes one consider the different interpretations punctuation can do to writing. Punctuation can do so much …show more content…

Although I do tend to use punctuation and correct spelling even when I text, I know many of my friends and family don't. Many individuals use slang and acronyms when texting and I feel like this is a difficult habit to break. I am so used to auto-correct on my phone and on my laptop that I now find myself typing away without carrying about misspelled words. I avoid having to try spelling out words on my own anymore because I know I don't have to, there is always spell check or auto-correct to do it for me. It isn't until I have to write on actual paper that I begin to notice it is becoming a problem for me. I make an effort to text as if I were writing. We definitely need punctuation when we write, but I never realized how significant it is in writing. The same order of words can differ in meaning when you add punctuation, this is something I never thought of before. When I heard her give an example of a sentence being corrected by men and how different the meaning of the sentence was when it was corrected by women was quite shocking for me. I absolutely think I am guilty of overusing commas, this interview makes one think of how many grammatical errors will be present in any paper written from now