What Is The Biggest Impact On Will And Shawn Hollowman

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In the book “ LONG WAY DOWN” by Jason Reynolds WIll and Shawn Hollowman live in a neighborhood prone to crime neither of them has been personaly targeted until one day when Shawn was shot and killed. In their neighborhood they have three rules for when someone they love die, rule number one is don’t cry, rule number two is don’t snitch, and rule number three is revenge, kill the person who killed your loved one. After Shawn died Will had every intent to follow the rules but he came into some obsticles when he when down the elevated to get revenge but on every level a person who died following the rules came into the elevator, Will knew every person who got on somehow. Will lived on the 8th floor, on the 7th floor Buck got in, on the 6th floor Dani got in, 5th floor was Uncle Mark, 4th floor was Mikey holloman their father, 3rd floor was Frick, and lastly on the 2nd floor was Shawn. There are many theory as to who was the biggest impact on Will, It could be argued Shawn had the biggest impact on Will.
Shawn has the biggest impact on Will. Shawn taught Will the rules after his childhood friend Dani died. Will explains that the rules are passed through his family and Will is the only one left alive. “Passed …show more content…

Ever sense Will was a child he he looked up to Will, “When we were kids I would follow Shawn around the apartment” (289). When little children look up to someone theu often follow them arround and copy them. Which is what Wil lwas doing with Shawn at the time. Which shows Shawn has the biggest impact on Will. Shawn could do a few tricks that Will and his friends thought were cool, “Shawn could so both so he was the king around here to me and tony and all our friends”(54). Will said that Shawn was the King which he wouldnt have said if he didnt look up to him. In the quote it shows that Will thought Shawn was cool bu the way he talked about him, not just in this quote but throughout the