What Is The Declaration Of Marriage Persuasive Essay

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dy on how humans react from a heart break shows that how fast that the brain can bounce back the heart break has some scientists saying that humans were not supposed to be monogamous creatures. Marriage is this concept that the human race seems to be obsessed with but why? More than half of marriages fail but all marriages end. People are selfish at heart most arguments that happen because one person out of the two feels mistreated. The labels of marriages cause’s people not to live how they want and forces them to but on a mask. The science of nature proves why humans shouldn’t get married, Marriage holds back the world back , the labels ruin diversity in the world, marriages should not be part of modern society.
The science of monogamy and the odds of a certain species to be monogamous is very slim. The percentage of Animals to have lifetime partners and not to have life partners is very weighed against monogamy. There are only 5000 know species to hold on to one partner for life that is only 3 to 5 percent of the animal kingdom. So why are humans taught to find “the one”? Humans sadly don’t fit into the minority, because humans cheat on their partners they also …show more content…

When you are just you with out the label of someone wife or husband your just you. That means no chains and a diverse culture will enrich with a verge of individuals in society. Look at marriages it seems as if spouses follow a certain roll and there is a protocol to follow when you are their partner. There just pointless less rules why cant people just live how they want to live they don't have to buy into romance a way to live forced on to the people and it takes away of a new genre no one even knows about. These labels are what ruin love if people were allowed to live how they please, and not be fed all these fantasy the world would become more diverse. and benefit modern

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