Diversity And Its Impact On Society

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In a society, there is a vast amount of diversity of several different types. Diversity is a variety or range of different things. In a society there can be diversity between people, careers, and income; almost everything can be diverse in some way. When it comes to diversity, diversity helps to make society stronger in strong impacting ways and also in small ways that still can make a difference. Diversity within incomes is something that weighs heavily in societies. Considering the countless number of jobs there are, it leads to many different types of income revenues. When a person gains a spot within income standings, it is often hard to improve or lower their economic status. Thus, there tends to be a lack in income mobility. Income …show more content…

When a society is very diverse the society gains things. If a society is very diverse with jobs, incomes, and people, it creates an even equilibrium throughout society. When it comes to jobs, diversity has a huge role on society. Having diversity between lower and higher income jobs causes there to be a well run society and even no overabundant need for certain income jobs. Without the diversity it causes the need for one job to overweigh the others. Also, people being diverse is a good thing for societies too. People cause there to be many diversities within a society including gender, race, age, religion, cultural background, or even beliefs. Having these diversities helps within companies or workplaces, in churches, in schools, and in other places. Jeffrey Baumgartner wrote, “In order to have diverse teams in your company, it is essential that your people are diverse in background, education, knowledge, and experience” (Baumgartner 2). It helps to keep people open to new things and open to new ways of living. Having diversities within companies also makes them stronger. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Melinda Marshall, and Laura Sherbin stated, “We learned that companies with 2-D diversity out innovate and out-perform others” (Hewlett, Marshall, and Sherbin 2). Along with equilibrium, a society also gains difference. Without diversity a society is always the same and never changes. However, with diversity come …show more content…

Like a society, they gain by having differences. Students learn ways to learn from and interact with other students. Also having diversity in academic institutes allow for the students to share their different ideas allowing there to be more creativity. Gaining different ideas helps not only students but teachers, higher officials, the school, or even clubs within the school. Creativity in an academic institute is important because it helps to make the setting more diverse with different ideas. Another thing having diversity does within an academic institute is help students see more than what they are accustomed to. If students from different genders, races, and cultures are put together in an academic institute often they learn to adjust and become acceptable of the other types of people. Having a more diverse population in schools allows people to really understand that there are many types of people in the world and eventually you may meet