What Is The Difference Between A Colonial Farmer And A Planter

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1. What is the difference between a colonial farmer & a planter? The difference between a colonial farmer and a planter is a farmer worked in small, family-run farms. Farmers also cleared land, dug ditches, built fences and farm buildings, plowed, and did other heavy labor. Planters were wealthy, educated men who oversaw the operations on their large farmers, or plantation. Additionally, planters worked with logistics than heavy labor and they would be supervising slaves and staff and inspecting crops. 2. What were some of the common crops of Virginia, Maryland, & the Carolina’s? The common crop of Virginia and Maryland included tobacco. The common crops in the Carolina’s included rice and indigo. 3. How did planters profit from these crops? …show more content…

The wives also relied on servants for the household needs. GOVERNMENT IN THE ENGLISH COLONIES GRQ’s 1. What two governmental aspects did all colonies share? The two governmental aspects all colonies share is governors appointed by the Crown or Rhode Island proprietors expect for Connecticut and Rhode Island, where governors were elected and legislative assemblies with elected representatives. 2. Describe the features of colonial government & the two exceptions to this system? The features of colonial government were based on the English system of a head of state and a bicameral legislature. The two exceptions to this system were Pennsylvania and Georgia because they had a single legislative house. 3. With the exception of Rhode Island & Connecticut, how was a colony’s governor chosen & what power did the governor possess? A colony’s governor was chosen by the Crown or by its proprietor(s). The power the governor possess is to convene and dissolve the colony’s legislature and veto its laws. Also, the governor had command of the militia and the authority both to appoint public officials and to administer