
What Is The Difference Between Round Characters And Acquaintances

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“To good friends, we are round characters, but to acquaintances we are flat.” At first glance, this appears to be a factual statement, but the key question is why? In order to understand the validity of this statement, one must define their terms. “Round characters profit from experience and undergo a change or development.” “Flat characters are usually minor, who is not an individual, but rather useful or structural, static and unchanging.” The crucial difference between round and flat characters are that round characters evolve and flat remain stagnant. Clearly the difference between round and flat characters is obvious. So why do friends perceive us as round and acquaintances view us as flat? Friends share countless emotions; love, joy, happiness, excitement, depression, sadness, anxiety, etc. Obviously friends view pieces of us that the outside world does not. They are by our side to pick us up when we are in the valley, and there to celebrate with us when we are on the mountaintop. Friends witness our transformations and revolutions. Who we were six months ago, is not who we are today. We are continually evolving. Daily our companions observe our alteration into someone new. …show more content…

True there are some who are friends, but for someone on the outside of those groups gazing in, it can appear as a room of random individuals. Sadly resembling ships passing in the night, or shadows passing on busy New York town strip, acquaintances are in our lives for a fleeting moment before they are gone. In that moment, they are simply viewed as extras in the production of a movie of your life. They do not witness a change in any shape or form and due to that we seem irrelevant. However in each momentary action or statement we our lives can be altered by even those we do not intimately know. Just like extras are neglected, but crucial in a movie, acquaintances are neglected but vital in

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