What Is The Hijab: Uncovering The Myths Of Islam?

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Title: Wearing Hijab: Uncovering the Myths of Islam in the United States
Intro: The short film Wearing Hijab: Uncovering the Myths of Islam in the United States is a 2003 film produced by Mary Ann Watson about Muslim woman and why they wear a Hijab.
Purpose: The purpose of the film is to show people that a Hijab is just a symbol of the religion and that is something that is just a part of their culture and a way of their daily life.
Message: The message of the film is to show other that the Hijab is not a bad thing that others should be scared of and to show that this is just a symbol of the religion that does not allow it to take over their whole life. Muslims are just like any other religion, just follow your beliefs.
Summary: There are many misconceptions about the Muslim culture that a lot of people do still believe are true about the religion. The Hijab for one, is something that the women actually enjoy wearing and is a part of them, they are not forced to wear them. The Muslim religion is just like any other religion, everyone has their beliefs and faith and learn and go through life with the help of those beliefs.
Cultural awareness: After watching the film I came to realize that the Muslim religion has great points and aspects to it. They …show more content…

Myself for example would probably be more focused on more important things if I was not focused on what I was going to wear or what my hair looked like for the day. I would get so much done as far as my academic life goes. I do believe that a lot of people do stereotype this religion based on what happened on 911, but at the same time it was specific individuals that did that crime, I would not judge a whole religion because of those people’s actions. I believe that us as humans look for people to blame and have just learned t blame as a whole when such crimes do occur. It is not fair to the religion as a

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