What Is The Impact Of Girl Scouts

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The Impact of Girls Scouts on Woman as a Youth Development and Mentor ProgramIn ... of ...., I was only ... years old and my mother was a Girl Scout troop leader at the time. She had organized a trip to take a group of Girl Scouts from Alamance County to Washington, DC for the National Girl Scout Sing-A-Along and SWAP Day. The National Sing-a-Along is just what it sounds like, Girl Scouts from all over the United States getting to together and singing. Imagine you are in a big open field surrounded by woman and girls who want to make a difference who want to make a change and all those powerful women with so much potential gathered in one place raised in one voice is the most awe struck feeling I have ever felt in my 18 years of living. SWAPS …show more content…

This makes it hard for woman to get an education and find employment because they are not given strong roles models or relationships or community bonds to become successful in life. Girl Scouts is one of the few youth development programs available to young woman. Girls Scouts have what are called Service Centers where girls can go and talk to leaders in their counties and states and many events for girls are held at these service centers, so they can participate in activities and network with other girls. The service center in Africa must travel from each country to reach all the Girl Scouts because many of them have no source of transportation expect their feet. Because the idea of girls learning outdoor skills, math, science, reading, writing or doing anything other than domestic duties is abnormal in most regions the Girl Scout Service Center willingly moves around to make every single girl gets a chance to build those relationships, learn new things, and become successful for themselves. “You know I think that mentoring programs and youth development programs can be extremely beneficial and open up avenues to girls that weren’t necessarily there prior or at least not acknowledged” (Todd, Interview). Being a youth development and mentoring program Girl Scouts takes the extra step to help young woman.“Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the …show more content…

Both studies show that Girl Scouts have impacted how young woman are as a person and how they think. Debbie Todd explains what her Girl Scout experience was like;“My Girl Scout experience started as a brownie in the first grade and my mom and my best friend’s mom and another parent were leaders and they rotated who did what job. But I can remember my friend Carla’s mom inviting me to come to the well. We all recited twist me and turn me and show me the elf and I looked in the water and I got to say myself. She pinned my brownie pin on me upside down she ‘you have to do three good deeds to turn it right side up’, I said, ‘how will you know I have done three good deeds’ and she said, ‘when you have turned it right side up.’ She trusted me I didn’t even have to prove that I did it you know that was big for me and kind of started off my Girl Scout career, it was very organic and nature I really enjoyed what a nice person she was and how she believed in use girls. I had just moved to San Diego and I didn’t have any friends and she said come to Brownies, so I did. I was a Girl Scout all through my school years. Through Girl Scouting I was on TV, I learned to interview and write a resume, and I sailed a 40-foot scooter through Palanan island with a crew of only girls and the captain. I hiked out of the desert into the mountains with everything I needed on my back except for water, I had carried water with me but not enough for the week and hiked to a destination