Ancient Civilizations: The Incas Culture

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The word ‘culture’ doesn’t only mean the place in where someone was born, but also its people and the infinite traditions that have been followed by millions of individuals that wanted their society to the most powerful in the world. This is the case of the “Incas”, an ancient civilization that is considered the oldest one, of all three civilizations that existed in Latin America. For instance, the Mayans and Aztecs were marvelous cultures that showed their immensity throughout their traditions and customs, which were fully developed by the individuals that were involved in it. Additionally, these huge civilizations demonstrated order while governing and dominated perfectly their intellectual skills by showing how they could transform themselves from small towns, into huge cities with their own rules and …show more content…

15). For instance, the “Inca Road System” was the combination of simplicity and beauty, as the roads were created based on the imagination of the Incas. This road was massive as it was large – scaled and very advanced by that period of time. Continuously, this road had a unique way for all transportation to occur, as it was made with the creativeness of a civilization that focused all their effort on becoming a great nation overall. The architecture of this culture was beyond the imagination of people, as they showed clearly how to ‘recreate’ beautiful and impressive architectural designs, even though they had no advanced tools like we have nowadays. The agriculture was also a very important as the Inca society was practically based on this factor. The agriculture was part of the economy and wealth of the empire of the Incas as they took advantage of the soil that they had, in order produce resources that they needed in order to survive. Although it was a hard task to have agricultural areas high in the mountains due to the weather and terrain, they overcame those adversities by manufacturing ‘differently’ their crops. The adaptation of this people to overcome those barriers weren’t a problem, as the agricultural technology that they had could do the work in any type of terrain. These were the irrigation system or also called the “Andenes”, which were …show more content…

In fact, their abilities to ‘create’ marvelous elements that could aid them develop more everyday, was displayed with the way of making themselves, live in a more organized and controlled environment. This factor led to the creation of the “Inca Runners”, who were strong mailman carrying the important messages and data necessary to all the regions of the ‘Tawantinsuyu’. In addition, these Inca runners were also known as “Chasquis”, that demonstrated they had the enough strength to be able to travel long distances in order to transport the message, as accurate as possible. Continuously, the Inca road system were part of the path in where this fearless runners traveled, as these well developed ways helped them get in a short amount of time enhancing the preciseness of their