What Is The Inequality In The Great Gatsby

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Books are the truest form of storytelling, and storytelling is a great way to learn, feel, engage. When reading a book you engage with the characters as you read, you feel for them, whether it 's empathy or anger, you learn more about them as the story goes and possibly learn more about yourself. A good and clear theme is one of the most crucial things in good piece of writing. It sets the tone for the entire piece. F Scott Fitzgerald uses topics like the past and inequality in society to make his theme of the decline of the american dream clear.

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Inequality in society in society is a strong theme in the novel The Great Gatsby. The author F Scott Fitzgerald uses events and his characters to develop this strong theme. …show more content…

The book ultimately shows the decay and corruption of the American dream, being consumed by the past and contributing to inequality in society, surpassed more noble goals. Fitzgerald positions the characters of The Great Gatsby as emblems of the things that kill the american dream.The decline of the american dream in the Great Gatsby is very apparent. The first time you see Jay Gatsby in the book, you see him reaching towards something off in the distance, reaching for something he can see but cannot reach. This the iconic part of the book, with the green light. But I didn 't call to him for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone—he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and far as I was from him I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward—and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock.” (1.152) The green light is often understood as part of The Great Gatsby’s portrayal of the The American Dream – the idea that people are always reaching towards something greater than themselves that is just out of reach. This image marks Gatsby as a character who is a dreamer and someone who aspire to accomplish things, rather than characters like Daisy and Tom who were born into there money and …show more content…

F Scott Fitzgerald uses topics like the past and inequality in society to make his theme of the decline of the american dream clear. This matters because this book is widely read and widely respected, people read this book and get attached with its characters. There are lessons in every chapter of this book that can teach you what the american dream is and how you can ruin it. This book allows people to learn from the mistakes of its characters, as to not make modern day society not like the society in the 1920s New York, East