Uglies is a science fiction novel by Scott Westerfeld. The book is set in a dystopian world where everyone at the age of 16 gets an operation to be turned from an 'Ugly' to a 'Pretty'. Uglies tells the story of Tally Youngblood who has mixed feelings about becoming 'Pretty'. A character I like in this novel is Shay, a friend of Tally's. I like her because she is different from anyone else in the city of 'Uglyville' and she is not afraid to show it. Shay is completely against the societies system of 'Ugly' to 'Pretty' as she believes that turning 'Pretty' is an unrealistic Barbie doll fantasy. She says "It's about becoming what I want to become. Not what some surgical committee thinks I should." Another reason why she opposes the 'Pretty' surgery is because she believes that it changes who you are. A significant lesson you can learn from Shay is that you don't need to follow in line of society and do what they want; individuality is important and being different isn't something you should be ashamed of. Shay believes that you should be able to have a choice and opinion of how to live your life not having everyone becoming the same "Pretty" person with no individuality. …show more content…
She thinks that the way society is running things is the right way just because they have been doing it for a long time. A lesson you can learn from Tally is not to be like her. Don't be influenced by other people into being exactly the person they want you to be. You should always have an individuality that makes you different from everyone