What Is The Mood Of Happy Endings By Margaret Atwood

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Happy Ending is a short story written by Margaret Atwood and was published in 1983. The story is actually written into 6 different short stories within the story. Margaret starts by introducing the two main plot cast, John and Mary and their different versions of stories and their love life. Also Atwood is trying to focus mainly on one of the short stories, which is version A, which says that if you want a happy ending in your life you should choose A and anyways no matter what the scenario is eventually it ends up to version A. These scenarios are metaphors for life. Each scene portrays a different approach to life. Scene A is the perfect life. In the other scenes, the characters face challenges which cause them to act in a certain way. …show more content…

So since the ending is already known why does it tend to "take" the focus from whatever remains of the story? Indeed, at times individuals can figure the middle of a story from the ending, on the off chance if a person discovers somebody died in an electrical chair they can assume he/she committed a crime. However, if someone dies from heart attack no one can know anything about his life, they may guess the person took a lot of tension about his/her life, or drank in excess but if they don’t know anything else they can’t guess the middle. For example, if someone knows the middle they can guess the ending of a story, if they are informed that individual "A" needed to have triple detour surgery and that individual "B" killed a couple individuals they can make an informed think about how every story

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