What Is The Puritans Fault For The Crucible

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Joseph Edgar
Mr. Glorfield
English 11
12 January 2023
Puritanism’s fault
Every human being on this earth is a sinner. Everyone is bad and needs to seek cleansing. We all need to fix our ways according to puritan culture which has been long established as a very intense and serious religion. Such intensity resulted in things like covenants with God. If such covenants are not established, then they will go to hell according to their theology. Puritanism’s serious and intense ways resulted in radical hatred and resent towards witches and witchcraft. The Crucible by Arthur Miller takes place in 1690’s Salem, Massachusetts where the radical Witch hunts occurred. The reason the Salem witch hunts ran so rampant was because of the toxic puritan society, …show more content…

Puritans originally sought to “purify” the church of England during the late 16th and 17th centuries. Therefore, the logical name “Puritans” came around. Soon enough there were enough people that considered themselves puritans that they had their own societies and almost governing powers. In puritanism you had to be a good saint or society would judge you. But being a good saint meant high standards, humanismbyjoe states “According to the town records, a man was imprisoned for three days for smiling during a baptism.” Such high standards even smiling during a baptism could make you be imprisoned for multiple days. Puritans were dead serious over these things too. If someone were to plow on the sabbath then they would be shunned by society & wouldn’t be likened to. People couldn’t trust each other, and this caused paranoia. Paranoia causes people exaggerate and lie. Puritan society was the step ladder paranoia used to step over the people of Salem and other societies of the era. Puritan society was toxic to the point there was enough paranoia to bring people to …show more content…

Absolute sovereignty was “the idea that God was in complete control and that nothing happens without his knowledge.” -Ukessay.com The concept of human depravity refers to the belief that all people are inherently sinful and corrupt due to the doctrine of original sin, according to this belief, every person is born with a sinful nature and is in a state of separation from God because of this sin. Puritans believed that this state of sinfulness was universal, that it applied to every person, regardless of their individual actions or beliefs. Human depravity affected puritan society very negatively, it set a demeaner that everyone was a sinner from the start. Predestination refers to the belief that an individual's eternal salvation is determined by God before birth and cannot be changed. “Predestination is the ability of God to determine whether humans were to be saved or elected and who was to be damned.” -Ukessay.com This belief is based on the idea that God is sovereign and has complete control over all things, including the eternal destiny of every person. Some people are chosen by God to be saved, while others are not. This belief is often referred to as "election" or "double predestination," because it holds that God not only predetermines who will be saved, but also who will be damned. An example from The