What Is The Right To Bear Arms Essay

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In America, the issue of gun control has become an extremely controversial topic. Ever since the formation of this great nation, guns have been key tools and restricting them any further would present incomprehensible consequences. Placing stricter gun laws on the current situation or banning assault weapons will not decrease the death or crime rate but in fact quite the opposite. The republican party believes that with fewer gun restrictions and revision of current standards, we can make America a safer place. The right to bear arms is a fundamental right of any American citizen and this right needs to be protected as the fundamental freedom it is. This country is made up with a population that believes that pacifism is the way to go when they are too quick …show more content…

These lists do no more than collect tax dollars to support politicians and do nothing to protect wellbeing the public. The goal of the Republican party is to make this country as safe as we can, this means keeping laws like National Firearms Act of 1934 which mandates the registration of all firearms and taxes transfer of ownership and continuing to repeal laws like the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. With reasonable boundaries set in place anyone with a clean criminal record can safely and legally obtain a firearm is he or she desires to do so. With a public that is educated about gun safety and a repeal of certain restricting laws, this country could potentially become the safest place to live. Another way the Republican party will better our country is by removing the racist premises that are associated with open carry situations. "Whites walking down Main Street with an AK-47 are defenders of American values; a black man doing the same thing is Public Enemy No.